Dongguan Weiside New Material Technology Co.,Ltd

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What are the performance advantages of carbon fiber compared

Lightweight in a lot of products are needed above, for lightweight products are often from the structure or from the material above, carbon fiber material is an essential part of the lightweight process, for now the industrial robot is very much in need of lightweight products, then this article will follow to see what performance advantages of this automatic robot compared with metal materials.



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In practical applications, lightweight robots can help reduce operating energy consumption, improve operating speed, and thus improve work efficiency. But the traditional is the use of magnesium alloy, aluminum alloy metal material, here applied to carbon fiber materials to see the comparison.


Magnesium alloy robot application, advantages: magnesium is the lightest of practical metals, its specific gravity is about 2/3 of aluminum, is 1/4 of iron, for polycarbonate composite materials containing 30% glass fiber, the density of magnesium does not exceed 10%. Magnesium alloys are alloys of magnesium and other elements. This alloy has low density, high strength, large elastic modulus, good heat dissipation and shock absorption, greater impact load capacity than aluminum alloy, and strong corrosion resistance to organic matter and alkali.


Disadvantages: insufficient strength. Compared with steel and aluminum alloy, the strength and toughness of magnesium alloy are still low, and there is still a gap between the performance requirements of robot materials, and the complete replacement of steel and aluminum alloy can not be realized. Due to the limitation of strength, magnesium alloy as a robot material also directly affects its casting, welding and other processing properties, and can not meet the application needs of large load handling.


Advantages: The density of aluminum alloy is smaller, the strength is larger, the specific strength is close to high alloy steel, the specific stiffness is more than steel, the casting performance and plastic processing performance is good, and the electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, corrosion resistance and weldability are also ideal, and can be used as structural materials. Moreover, the application cost of aluminum alloy is relatively low, so it is widely used.


Disadvantages: The stability is not high, in some extreme working environments, it is easy to creep, and when used for important operating parts of the robot, it will affect the operation accuracy of the robot. Therefore, aluminum alloy material is more suitable for model and educational robots.



The advantages of carbon fiber robot application: First of all, it solves the shortcomings mentioned above, both low density and high strength and good stiffness, and its lightweight characteristics make the products using carbon fiber materials more energy saving and reduce the impact on the environment. It can meet the needs of robots in different environments. And carbon fiber material has excellent corrosion resistance. Compared with metal, carbon fiber is not attacked by oxidation, corrosion and chemicals. This allows products made of carbon fiber to maintain their performance and appearance longer in harsh environments, and can be used in higher loads, high wear, and high frequency of use.


Disadvantages: The price of carbon fiber materials is relatively high, which makes the price of the robot is also relatively high, so it is mostly applied to the robot with high performance demand and good stability.


It can be seen that different applications of robots require different working environments, their needs are still different, and they will be measured comprehensively, but if you want high performance, it must be more suitable for carbon fiber robots, which needs comprehensive cost accounting. You are welcome to consult if you need or have industrial solutions to implement.

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